The Docker Book Learning Note

Chapter1 Introduction

  • Components
    • Client&Server
      • Client talk to Server(Daemon) by API
    • Docker Images
      • “source code” of Container
    • Registries
      • Store the images
    • Docker Container
      • Running/Executing aspect in Docker life cycle


  • Application
    • Make local development and build workflow faster
    • Running stand-alone services and applications consistently across multiple environments
    • Create isolated instances to run tests by Jenkins CI
    • Building and testing complex applications and architectures on a local host

Chapter2 Installation

Chapter3 Getting Start


Command Option Description
docker info
docker run
-i STDIN open
-t provides an interactive shell
-d detach the container to background
-c run with command
-p network ports Docker publishes at runtime
-P allows us to publish all ports we’ve exposed via EXPOSE instructions in our Dockerfile
–name create container with name
–log-driver control the logging driver used by your daemon and container
–restart always
docker ps display running container
-a all container
-l last container
-q only list IDs
docker rm remove container
docker rm -f `sudo docker ps -a -q` remove all container
docker start start container
docker attach reattach to the interactive session
must start it first
docker logs access container’s logs
-f monitor logs; similar as tail -f
-t output with timestamp
docker top inspect container’s processes
docker exec running a process inside an running container
-d indicate running background process
docker stats stats info about CPU, memory and network and storage I/O performance and metrics.
docker inspect print more info
-format= template of Go
docker stop
docker port ContainerId get mapped port

Chapter4 Images&Repositories

4.1 What is a Docker image?

4.2-4.4 Commands

Command example Description
docker images
docker pull
docker pull ubuntu:latest
docker pull ubuntu:16.04
docker pull jamtur01/puppet:16.04 username/reponame:tag
docker search
docker login
docker logout
docker commit Create image
SHOULD USE Dockerfile instead
sudo docker commit -m “A new custom image” -a “James Turnbull” 4aab3ce3cb76 jamtur01/apache2:webserver -m: commit message
-a: author
docker history imageId logs about how images created

4.5 Dockerfile

  • Two ways to build images
    • docker commit
    • Dockerfile
  • Dockerfile Workflow
    1. runs a container from the image
    2. runs an instruction and makes a change to the container
    3. runs the equivalent of docker commit to commit a new layer
    4. runs a new container from this new image
    5. repeat 2-4
  • How to build images

    • docker build -t="jamtur01/static_web:v1" .
      • -t: tag
      • .: Dockerfile path
        • local
        • Git repo
    • build cache
      • treat previous layers as a cache
      • --no-cache
      • templating
        • ENV REFRESHED_AT 2019-01-01
        • update the ENV to ensure instructions below it run
  • Instructions

    • FROM
      • specifies an existing base image
      • MAINTAINER James Turnbull ""
    • RUN
      • running the command when the container is being built
      • RUN apt-get install -y nginx
      • RUN [ "apt-get", " install", "-y", "nginx" ]
    • EXPOSE
      • the application in this container will use this specific port on the container
    • CMD
      • specifies the command to run when a container is launched
      • You can only specify one CMD instruction in a Dockerfile
      • docker run image command would override CMD in Dockerfile
      • These 2 are same
        • sudo docker run -i -t jamtur01/static_web /bin/true
        • CMD ["/bin/true"]

      • ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx"]
      • ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
      • means /usr/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;"

        # in Dockerfile
        ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx"]

        # command line launch
        sudo docker run -t -i jamtur01/static_web -g "daemon off;"
      • if we launch the container with right parameter, like -g "daemon off;", it would override the -h. Or it would display the help message by CMD ["-h"]

        ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx"]
        CMD ["-h"]
      • we can override it by docker run --entrypoint


      • Set working directory for RUN, ENTRYPOINT, CMD

        WORKDIR /opt/webapp/db
        RUN bundle install
        WORKDIR /opt/webapp
        ENTRYPOINT [ "rackup" ]
      • we can override it by docker run -w

    • ENV

      • environment variables during the image build process
      • This new environment variable will be used for any subsequent RUN instructions

        ENV RVM_PATH /home/rvm/
        RUN gem install unicorn

        # the same as
        RVM_PATH=/home/rvm/ gem install unicorn

        # specify multiple envs
        ENV RVM_PATH=/home/rvm RVM_ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386"

        # can be used in other instructions

        # These environment variables will also be persisted into any containers created from your image
        echo $RVM_PATH
      • pass environment variables on runtime

        • docker run -e "WEB_PORT=8080"
    • USER

      • specifies a user that the image should be run as

        USER user
        USER user:group
        USER uid
        USER uid:gid
        USER user:gid
        USER uid:group
      • default user is root

      • can be override by docker run -u
    • VOLUMN
      • adds volumes to any container created from the image
      • see Chapter5&Chapter6
    • ADD
      • adds files and directories from our build environment into our image
        • e.g. When installing an application
      • cannot ADD files from outside the build directory or context
      • ADD software.lic /opt/application/software.lic
      • source file can be
        • URL
        • filename
        • directory (should end with /
      • Docker will automatically unpack tar archive (valid archive types include gzip, bzip2, xz)
        • ADD latest.tar.gz /var/www/wordpress/
      • If the destination doesn’t exist, Docker will create the full path
        • with mode 0755, UID 0, GID 0
    • COPY
      • Similar as ADD
      • But doesn’t extract, decompress
    • LABEL
      • Adds metadata to a Docker image
      • LABEL version="1.0" location="NY"
      • can be found in docker inspect
      • sets the system call signal that will be sent to the container when you tell it to stop
    • ARG
      • defines variables that can be passed at build-time via the docker build command
        • ARG webapp_user=user
      • can be overrided by docker build --build-arg webapp_user=bbb. But has to be predefined in Dockerfile
      • Docker predefined ARG variables(we don’t need to define in Dockerfile but pass them by --build-arg
        • HTTP_PROXY, http_proxy
        • HTTPS_PROXY, https_proxy
        • FTP_PROXY, ftp_proxy
        • NO_PROXY, no_proxy
    • SHELL
      • allows the default shell used for the shell form of commands to be overridden
        • default shell on Linux ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
        • default shell on Windows ["cmd", "/S", "/C"]
      • how to test a container to check that it is still working correctly
      • HEALTHCHECK --interval=10s --timeout=1m --retries=5 CMD curl http ://localhost || exit 1
      • We can also check health by docker inspect
        • docker inspect --format '{\{.State.Health.Status}}' static_web
      • There can be only 1 health check
      • Can also disable it

      • adds triggers to images.
      • A trigger is executed when the image is used as the basis of another image
      • it was specified right after the `FROM instruction

        # basic image Dockerfile
        FROM ubuntu:16.04
        ONBUILD ADD . /var/www/

        # then we build it
        sudo docker build -t="jamtur01/apache2" .

        # next layer image Dockerfile
        FROM jamtur01/apache2

        # then we build it
        sudo docker build -t="jamtur01/webapp" .

        Step 0 : FROM jamtur01/apache2
        # Executing 1 build triggers
        Step onbuild-0 : ADD . /var/www/ # Triggered here

4.6 Pushing images to the Docker Hub

  • Pushing images

    # failed: because Root repositories are managed only by the Docker
    sudo docker push static_web

    # success
    sudo docker push jamtur01/static_web
  • Automated Builds

    • connecting a GitHub or BitBucket repository containing a Dockerfile to the Docker Hub
    • When we push to this repository, an image build will be triggered and a new image created

4.7 Deleting an image

  • Local
    • sudo docker rmi jamtur01/static_web
  • Repo
    • go to web page

4.8 Running your own Docker registry

  • Steps

    # 1. launch a container running version 2.0 of the registry application and bind port 5000 to the local host
    docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name registry registry:2

    # 2. get image ID
    sudo docker images jamtur01/static_web

    # 3. Tagging our image for our new registry
    sudo docker tag 22d47c8cb6e5 static_web

    # 4. sudo docker push

    # 5. launch container from local registry
    sudo docker run -t -i static_web /bin/bash

4.9 Alternative Indexes

  • Quay
    • provides a private hosted registry that allows you to upload both public and private containers.

Chapter5 Testing with Docker

5.1 Using Docker to test a static website

  • Workflow
    • create Dockerfile to
      • install Nginx
      • add Nginx configuration files
      • Expose port
    • build image
    • build container from the image
    • sudo docker run -d -p 80 --name website \ -v $PWD/website:/var/www/html/website:ro \ jamtur01/nginx nginx
  • -v
    • create a volume in our container from a directory on the host
    • provide persistent or shared data for Docker. This means that changes to a volume are made directly and bypass the image
    • Use case
      • We want to work on and test it simultaneously.
      • It changes frequently, and we don’t want to rebuild the image during our development process.
      • We want to share the code between multiple containers.
  • ro, rw
    • read-write status

5.2 Using Docker to build and test a web application

  • Naive webapp
    1. create image
      1. install sinatra redis
      2. expose port
      3. run /opt/webapp/bin/webapp
    2. build image
    3. download webapp
    4. launch container with -v $PWD/webapp:/opt/webapp/
  • Webapp with Redis

    1. Prepare Redis server
      1. create image for redis server
        1. install redis-server
        2. expose port
        3. ENTRYPOINT to run redis-server
      2. Test if it works
        1. launch redis server container
        2. install redis-cli locally to test with localhost:exposedPort
    2. Prepare Docker Networking
      1. create a bridge network called app
      2. launch a Redis container called db inside the network
      3. Test if it works
        1. launch another container inside of the network
        2. install dnsutils, iputils-ping
        3. nslookup db, ping
          • any host in the app network can be resolved by
    3. Prepare Sinatra application
      1. download new webapp_redis
        1. create connection to Redis database on a host called db on port 6379
        2. with GET, POST API
      2. launch Sinatra application inside app network with -v $PWD/webapp_redis
    4. Test
      1. POST to Sinatra application, which store parameters in Redis
      2. GET to Sinatra application, which fetch parameters in Redis
  • Docker Networking

    • Docker Networking can connect containers to each other across different hosts.
    • Containers connected via Docker Networking can be stopped, started or restarted without needing to update connections.
    • With Docker Networking you don’t need to create a container before you can connect to it. You also don’t need to worry about the order in which you run containers and you get internal container name resolution and discovery inside the network.
  • Commands

Command Description
docker network ls
docker network create
docker network inspect
docker network rm
docker network connect $NETWORK $CONTAINER add already running container to existing networks
docker network disconnect $NETWORK $CONTAINER

5.3 Using Docker for continuous integration

  1. Create&Build Jenkins&Docker image
    1. Use jenkins image
    2. install docker
    3. install plugins
  2. Create Jenkin’s configuration folder
    1. locally create a jenkins folder(jenkins_home)
  3. Run container(up Jenkins server)
    • mount jenkins_home: perpetuate Jenkin’s configuration
    • mount docker.sock: run Docker containers from inside our Jenkins container
  4. Create Jenkins job
    1. set workspace as jenkins_home/xxx
    2. set Source Code as a git repo
    3. Add Build Step
      1. build image which is in workspace
      2. run container
        1. mount workspace into Build Docker
        2. Build&RunTests
        3. attach container to see output
        4. docker wait
        5. rm container
    4. Add post-build action
      • to publish test report
    5. Enabling SCM polling
      • triggers automatic build when new commits made to the repo

5.4 Multi-configuration Jenkins

What if we wanted to test our application on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS?

  1. new job as Multi-configuration project
  2. Add Axis as {OS: {centos, debian, ubuntu}}
  3. Build Environment as Delete workspace before build starts
  4. In code repo, create centos, debian, ubuntu folders, create Dockfile in each of them
  5. Add Build Step
    1. cd $OS before doing anything

5.5 Other alternatives

i.e. other CI tools other than Jenkins

  • Drone
  • Shippable

Chapter 6 Building services with Docker

6.1 Building our first application

Volume is a specially designated directory within one or more containers that bypasses the Union File System to provide several useful features for persistent or shared data:

  • Volumes can be shared and reused between containers.
  • A container doesn’t have to be running to share its volumes.
  • Changes to a volume are made directly.
  • Changes to a volume will not be included when you update an image.
  • Volumes persist even when no containers use them.
    This allows you to add data (e.g., source code, a database, or other content) into an image without committing it to the image and allows you to share that data between containers.
  • Volumes live in Docker host var/lib/docker/volumes
  1. Build Jekyll-Apache application
    1. Build Jekyll image
      • VOLUMN /data: hold source code(why??)
      • VOLUMN /var/www/html: hold compiled Jekyll site
      • ENTRYPOINT to compile Jekyll to /var/www/html
    2. Build Apache image
      • VOLUMN /var/www/html: compiled Jekyll site
      • run apache by default
    3. Pull Git code locally
    4. Creating Jekyll container with -v codeInStep3:/data/
    5. Creating Apache container with --volumns-from containerInStep4
  2. Update Jekyll website
    1. Locally, update title then sudo docker start james_blog
      • local source code updated
      • source code mounted into Jekyll
      • start Jekyll to recompile into /var/www/html
      • Jekyll exit automatically
      • Jekyll volume into Apache automatically
      • then pages are updated
  3. Back up Jekyll volume
    • sudo docker run --rm --volumes-from james_blog \ -v $(pwd):/backup ubuntu tar cvf /backup/james_blog_backup.tar /var/www/html
      • --rm: automatically deletes the container after the process running in it is ended
      • It creates a new container to volumes-from blog
      • tar the blog
      • mounted the tared blog to local
  4. Potential extention
    1. Web cluster: run multiple Apache container, all which use the same volume from the james_blog container
    2. Generic and portable solution: make a new image to clone and mount code into Jekyll. So that we don’t need to install git and any source code locally
    3. Based on 2, we can build a web front end for our service that build and deployed sites automatically from a specific source

6.2 Building a Java application server

Fetching and running a Java application from a WAR file in a Tomcat server(Web application ARchive, we can run it directory after putting in tomcat webapp direcory)

  1. Build a WAR file fetcher
    1. VOLUME /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/
    2. wget into the volumed dir without url
    3. Creating fetcher container with url
  2. Build tomcat server
    1. VOLUME /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/
    2. ENTRYPOINT to run tomcat
    3. Creating tomcat container by --volumes-from fetcherContainer
  3. An extention by author
    1. He made an app called Tprov, which is a web application using for controlling step1
    2. so we can input web name, WAR url and click submit
    3. then we can see running state

6.3 A multi-container application stack

  • A big combination

    • A Node container: Node application
    • A Redis primary container: hold and cluster our state
    • 2 Redis replica container to cluster our state
    • A logging container to capture our application logs
  • Node container

    1. download nodeapp to hold application code
      • right stream to /var/log/nodeapp/nodeapp.log
      • store session in redis
      • a GET method
    2. Dockerfile
      • install nodejs npm
      • mkdir /var/log/nodeapp and VOLUME it
      • ADD nodeapp /opt/nodeapp
      • ENTRYPOINT nodejs server.js
    3. run Node container
      • -p 3000:3000 --net express
  • Redis container
    • Redis base image
      1. VOLUME var/lib/redis
      2. VOLUME var/log/redis
    • Primary Redis image
      1. only ENTRYPOINT that runs the default Redis server, which logs into var/log/redis/redis-server.log
    • Replica Redis image
      1. only ENTRYPOINT that runs a Redis replica server, which logs into var/log/redis/redis-replica.log
      2. --slaveof redis_primary 6379: this is a replica of the redis_primary host and should attempt replication on port 6379
    • Creating Redis back-end cluster
      1. create express network
      2. run redis_primary in --net express
      3. run redis_replica1 --net express
      4. run redis_replica2 --net express
      5. We can read primary Redis logs by
        • sudo docker run -ti --rm --volumes-from redis_primary ubuntu cat /var/log/redis/redis-server.log
  • Capture application logs using Logstash
    1. Dockerfile
      1. install logstash
      2. add logstash.conf in container
        • monitor logs file
        • output stdout
      3. run logstash
    2. create log app container
      1. volumes-from redis_primary and nodeapp

6.4 Managing Docker containers without SSH

sudo docker exec -ti nodeapp /bin/bash

Chapter7 Docker Orchestration and Service Discovery

7.1 Docker Compose

  • Define a set of containers to boot up and their runtime properties in a YAML file
  • this can make constructing applications from multiple Docker containers.

  • Example

    • docker-compose.yml

      image: jamtur01/composeapp
      command: python
      - "5000:5000"
      - .:/composeapp
      image: redis
    • requirements.txt

      • for pip install in Dockerfile
      • application file
    • Dockerfile for docker compose
      • copy everything into /composeapp
      • pip install requirements.txt
  • Commands
docker-compose up
docker-compose ps
docker-compose logs
docker-compose kill
docker-compose stop
docker-compose start
docker-compose rm

7.2 Distributed application

using Consul: seems could be replaced by Docker Swarm(no need for Service Discory

7.3 Docker Swarm

  • Basic Concept
  • A swarm is made up of manager and worker nodes.
  • Manager do the dispatching and organizing of work on the swarm.
  • We can have many managers, many workers, but only one leader
  • Assume we are going to have Manager, Worker1, Worker2
  • Can be used as Load balancing


  • Commands
command description
docker node ls
docker service create --mode global: global services run on every worker in the swarm
docker service scale how many tasks to work
docker service rm
docker service ls
  • Setting up a Swarm
    • In Manager
      1. get public ip
      2. `sudo docker swarm init –advertise-addr $PUBLIC_IP
    • In worker nodes
      1. sudo docker join ...
    • Running a service on Swarm
      1. sudo docker service create --replicas 2 --name ... ubuntu /bin/sh -c "..."

7.4 Orchestration alternatives and components

Tool Name Description
Fleet cluster management tool
etcd key value store for shared configuration and service discovery
Kubernetes cluster management tool open sourced by Google
Apache Mesos cluster management tool
Helios deploying and managing containers across an entire fleet
Genturion takes containers from a Docker registry and runs them on a fleet of hosts with the correct environment variables, host volume mappings, and port mappings.
It is designed to help you do continuous deployment with Docker.

Chapter8 Using the Docker API

8.1 Docker APIs

  • Registry API
    • provides integration with the Docker registry
  • Docker Hub API
    • provides integration with the Docker Hub
  • Docker Remote API
    • provides integration with the Docker daemon

8.2 First steps with Remote API

  • the Remote API is provided by the Docker daemon
  • the Docker daemons binds to a socket, unix:///var/run/docker.sock
  • we can edit the daemon’s startup configuration files to change the bind
  • then sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload
  • test with sudo docker -H info
    • we can also export DOCKER_HOST="xxx" to throw the -H away

8.3 Testing the Docker Remote API

API description
curl docker info
curl docker images
curl${id}/json `docker images ${id}
curl docker ps
curl docker ps -a
some more POST to launch/create/run

8.4 Improving the TProv application

by ruby-docker API, for example

8.5 Authenticating the Docker Remote API

  • Create a certificate authority
  • Create a server certificate signing request and key
  • Configure the docker daemon

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker -d -H tcp:// --tlsverify -- tlscacert=/etc/docker/ca.pem --tlscert=/etc/docker/server-cert. pem --tlskey=/etc/docker/server-key.pem
  • Create a client certificate and key

  • Configure the docker client using the certificates and keys

    mkdir -p ~/.docker/
    cp ca.pem ~/.docker/ca.pem
    cp client-key.pem ~/.docker/key.pem
    cp client-cert.pem ~/.docker/cert.pem
    chmod 0600 ~/.docker/key.pem ~/.docker/cert.pem
  • Testing

    • sudo docker --tlsverify info