1 Getting started
3 ways of execution:
robot init.robot
orpython3 robot -m init.robot
orpython3 xx/python3.7/site-packages/robot/run.py init.robot
2 Creating test data
2.1 Test data syntax
2.1.1 Files and directories
TestSuites(a test project) contain:
Name | Description |
Test files | contains test cases |
Initialization file | configure the created test suite dir |
Test library | lowest level keywords |
Resource files | variables and keywords |
Variable files | able to dynamically create variables, which is more flexible than resource files |
2.1.2 Test data section
A test file contains:
Section | Description |
Settings | importing test libraries, resource files and variable files, Documentation, Metadata, Suite Setup/Teardown |
Variables | defining variables (global to each test case) |
Test cases | creating test cases using keywords |
Tasks (new feature) |
like test cases. a single file can only contain either test cases or task |
Keywords | Creating user keywords |
Sometimes Section is also called table ! e.g. variable table
2.1.3 Supported file formats
html, tsv, txt, robot(recommended), rst
2.1.4 Rules for parsing the data
- Ignore data: lots of rules, basically # is used for comment
- Escaping: \
- Special sequences: \n, \r, \t, \x, \u, \U
- Some useful BuiltIn libraries. e.g. Convert To Bytes, ${\n}, ${EMPTY}, ${SPACE}
Multiple line: use … It is useful for keywords, documentation, variables
2@{LIST} 1 2 3 4
... 5 6
2.2 Creating test cases
2.2.1 Test cases syntax
- Keywords can be imported from Library, Resource or keyword table
- Each test case can have:
- [Documentation]
- [Tags]
- [Setup], [Teardown]
- [Timeout]
- [Template]: data driven test, mentioned in 2.2.7
2.2.2 Arguments
Behaves like python:
- Positional arguments
- Default value arguments
- Variable number of arguments
- Named arguments
- **kargs
2.2.3 Failures
- If a test case fails, rest test cases will still run
- We can specify failure reason e.g.
Should Be True ${result} xx is not true
- Continue on failure: 3.2.2
2.2.4 Test case name and documentation
- ${TEST_NAME} refer to the test name. More in 2.6.4 Built-in variables
- The [Documentation] in test case shows in the command line and test reports.
2.2.5 Tagging test cases
- –include, –exclude to run test cases
Name | Location | Description |
Force Tags | Setting table | Set tags all test cases in this file. If it is in init file, all sub test suite dir are tags as it |
Default Tags | Setting table | Set tags for test cases without [Tag]. Cannot use in init file |
Tags | Test Case table | set tag for test case. Can override Default Tags. Can also be NONE |
BuiltIn keywords | Dynamically set tags: Set Tags, Remove Tags, Fail and Pass Execution keywords, |
2.2.6 Test setup and teardown
- Test Setup, Teardown can take care of only 1 task:
- Use user defined keywords
- Use builtIn “Run Keywords”
- Each test case can have its own [Setup], [Teardown] to override the one in Settings
- Detail is in 3.2.1 Execution Flow
2.2.7 Test templates
- Convert keyword-driven test cases into data-driven tests.
- It’s like I have a method that need to be tested for lots of pairs of different arguments and expected output.
10*** Test Cases ***
Template with embedded arguments
[Template] The result of ${calculation} should be ${expected}
1 + 1 2
1 + 2 3
*** Keywords ***
The result of ${calculation} should be ${expected}
${result} = Calculate ${calculation}
Should Be Equal ${result} ${expected}
2.2.8 Different test case styles
- Keyword-driven: normal
- Data-driven: using template
- Behavior-driven: using Given, When, Then, And, But
- Given: initial state
- When: operation
- Then: expected result
- And, But: connect keywords
2.3 Creating Tasks
new feature after Robotframework 3.1
2.4 Creating test suites
2.4.1 Test case files
In Setting table, we can have
- Documentation
- Metadata
- Suite Setup
- Suit Teardown
2.4.2 Test suite directories
Initialization files:
- For specifying test suite related settings
- Similar as test case files, but cannot have test case tables and not all settings are supported.
- Library, resource, variable, keywords cannot applied to other files !!!
2.4.3 Test suite name and documentation
- Test suite name
- name is constructed from fire name
- underscore -> space
- e.g. some_tests.robot -> Some Tests
- Execution order: by file name. Detail in 3.2.1 Execution flow
2.4.4 Free test suite metadata
2.4.5 Suite setup and teardown
- Suite setup is executed before any of suite’s test cases or child test suites. Suite setup fails, all testcase fails
- Suite teardown is executed after everything, even suite setup fails.
- They can be set in init file
2.5 Using test libraries
2.5.1 Importing libraries
- Library: used in Settings table
- Import Library: used in test cases dynamically
2.5.2 Specifying library to import
- System tries to find the library from the module search path including PYTHONPATH
Using relative, absolute path
5*** Settings ***
Library PythonLibrary.py
Library /absolute/path/JavaLibrary.java
Library relative/path/PythonDirLib/ possible arguments
Library ${RESOURCES}/Example.class
2.5.3 Setting custom name to test library
We can initialize 2 python class using this way. e.g.
1 | Library xx arg1 WITH NAME TestLib1 |
2.5.4 Standard libraries
2.5.5 External libraries
2.6 Variables
2.6.1 Introduction
- &{} dictionary
- ${} variable
- @{} list
- %{} environment
2.6.2 Using variables
- Naming rules:
- Case insensitive, ignore underscore and space
- Global variables naming rule: upper case
${} variables
- Can contain any object, including numbers, lists, dictionaries, or even custom objects.
With other string or variable, this variable will convert to its unicode | str e.g.
3${VAR} is an object
Method ${VAR} # Method gets an object
Method Hi ${VAR} # Method gets a string
@{} list
Not a true list argument !!! We should use ${} to parse a list variable as argument, since these are equivalent.
3@{USER} robot secret
Login robot secret
Login @{USER}Accessing list items
3@{STRINGS} one two kolme four
${STRINGS}[2:-1:2] # Start from 2 until last one, step 2
@{STRINGS}[index] # Old syntax. Do not use it
&{} dictionary
Not a true dictionary argument !!! We should use ${} to parse a list variable as argument, since these are equivalent.
3&{USER} name=robot password=secret
Login name=robot password=secret
Login &{USER}Accessing list items
%{} environment variables
- Keyword: Set Environment Variable
- Keyword: Delete Environment Variable
2.6.3 Creating variables
Variable table in test case file or resource file
- Cannot create dynamic variables
Syntax can be either
4${NAME} robot
${NAME} = robot
@{LIST} one two
&{DICT} first=one second=two
Variable file
robot --variablefile xx.py test.robot
- Global to all testcases
Command line variables
robot --variable NAME:robot
- Global to all testcases
BuiltIn keywords for local variables
5@{list} = Create List 1 2
${list} = Create List 1 2
${dict} = Create Dictionary 1 2
&{dict} = Create Dictionary 1 2
${a} ${b} = Create List 1 2
- Set Test/Suite/Global Variable keywords
- Set Test Variable: visible in this test case
- Set Suite Variable: visible in this test suite (all test cases in this file)
- Set Global Variable: visible in global, like -variable
2.6.4 Built-in variables
- Operating-system variables
: path separator${:}
: path separator${\n}
: system line separator
- Number variables
- int
- float
- scientific
- binary
- octal
- hex
- int
- Boolean
- case insensitive
${true} ${false}
- Null
- case insensitive
${none} ${null}
- Space and empty variables
Should Be Equal {SPACE * 4} \ \ \ \
- Automatic variables
- It is like metadata of robot test
- It is like metadata of robot test
2.6.5 Variable priorities and scopes
- Variable set during test execution
- e.g. Create List or return value
- e.g. Set Test/Suite/Global Variable keywords
- Highest priority
- Cannot affect variables not in its scope
- –variable:
- Second priority
- Last one override others
- Override all others
- –variablefile:
- Third priority
- Variable in first file override others
- Variable table
- Forth priority
- visible to all test case in this file
- Imported resource and variable files
- Lowest
- Built-in variables
- This is special case. I don’t think it should be discussed here
- Global scope: –variable, –variablefile, Built-in variables, Set Global Variable
- Test suite scope
- Not recursive: higher-level test suite are not available in lower-level suites
- Set Suite Variable, Imported resource and variable files, Variable table
- Test case scope: return value from keywords
2.6.6 Advanced variable features (interesting)
Extended variable syntax
The expression inside the curly brackets is evaluated as a Python expression
6Keyword1 ${OBJECT.eat('Cucumber')}
Keyword2 ${OBJECT.name}
Keyword3 ${DICT[2]}
${string} = Set Variable abc
Log ${string.upper()}
Extended variable syntax assignment
${OBJECT.name} = Set Variable New name
Variables inside variables
5${JOHN HOME} /home/john
${JANE HOME} /home/jane
${name} = Get Name
Keyword ${${name} HOME}
2.7 Creating user keywords
2.7.1 User keyword syntax
- Keywords in init file are not visible in other files, neither files in same directory or sub-directory
- Can only resource another file to use its keywords
- Settings in Keyword:
- [Documentation]
- [Tags]
- [Arguments]
- [Return]
- [Teardown]
- [Timeout]
2.7.2 User keyword name and documentation
2.7.3 User keyword tags
2.7.4 User keyword arguments
- Positional
- Default values
Variable number of arguments
10*** Test Cases ***
Two Arguments With Defaults arg2=abcd
*** Keywords ***
One Required And One With Default
[Arguments] ${required} ${optional}=default
Two Arguments With Defaults
[Arguments] ${arg1}=default 1 ${arg2}=${VARIABLE}
Required, Default, Varargs
[Arguments] ${req} ${opt}=42 @{others}Free named arguments: like **kargs in python
[Arguments] ${required} &{kargs}
- Named-only arguments with user keywords
- New feature after 3.1
- Specify named argument after @{varargs} or after @{}
- With Varargs
[Arguments] @{varargs} ${named}
- Without Varargs
[Arguments] @{} ${named}
2.7.5 Embedding arguments into keyword name
Confused space with sequential word
Select ${city} ${name}
Select Los Angeles Lakers
will be confusedHave to use “” to wrap it
5*** Keywords ***
Select "${city}" "${team}" from list
Log ${city} ${team}
Select "Los Angeles" "Lakers" from list
Embedded arguments matching rule
Regular expressions: every argument in the name is replaced with a pattern .*? that basically matches any string.
3I execute "ls" with "-lh", will match both
I execute "${cmd}"
I execute "${cmd}" with "${opts}"Solution
I execute "${cmd:[^"]+}"
Escaping special characters
like }, \
2.7.6 User keyword return values
Using [Return] setting
6${a} ${b} ${c} = Return Three Values
@{list} = Return Three Values
${scalar} @{rest} = Return Three Values
Return Three Values
[Return] foo bar zap
- Using special keywords to return
Return From Keyword
Return From Keyword If
2.7.7 User keyword teardown
2.8 Resource and variable files
User keywords and variables in test case files and test suite initialization files can only be used in files where they are created
2.8.1 Resource files
- Searching path
- Absolute path
- Otherwise
- Relatively to the directory
- Resource file structure
- Settings can only have Library, Resource, Variables
Same keywords name from different resource file
- Settings can only have Library, Resource, Variables
- Distinguish by file name without extension
- myresources.Keyword
- common.Keyword
2.8.2 Variable files
Taking variable files into use
2*** Settings ***
Variables myvariables.pyCommand lines
---variablefile myvariables.py
Creating variables in python
4VAR = "abcde"
VAR2 = method()
def method():
return xxxxx
Selecting which variables to include
- all variables not start with _ will be include as variables
- even
import math as _math
def get_area()
- even
- Or we can specify __all__ = [‘VARNAME2’, ‘VARNAME2’]. Only variables in __all__ can be used
Getting variables from a special function
1 | def get_variables(arg): |
robot --variablefile ./varfile.py:a test.robot
Implementing variable file as Python or Java class: weird
Variable file as YAML: weird
2.9.1 Handling keywords with same names
- Two kinds of keywords:
- Library keywords (from standard/external libraries)
- User keywords (user created/resourced)
- Priority:
- Highest - Keywords created in current file
- Second - Resourced
- Third - External library
- Lowest - Standard library
- Solution:
- Specifying a keyword explicitly. e.g.
- Specifying explicit priority using keyword. e.g.
Set Library Search Order
- Specifying a keyword explicitly. e.g.
2.9.2 Timeouts
We can set [Timeout] in Settings(default timeout for all test cases), Test Cases, Keywords
2.9.3 For loops
- Simple for loop
- Nested for loops
- implemente by keyword
Using several loop variables
5FOR ${index} ${english} ${finnish} IN
... 1 cat kissa
... 2 dog koira
... 3 horse hevonen
FOR ${index} ${english} ${finnish} INFor-in-range loop:
for i in range(xx, xx):
For-in-enumerate loop
for index, item in enumerate(my_list):
For-in-zip loop
for i, j in zip(list1, list2):
Exiting for loop
- Exit For Loop
- Exit For Loo If
- Exit For Loop
- Continuing for loop
- Continue For Loop
- Continue For Loop If
Removing unnecessary keywords from outputs
Using command line option: –RemoveKeywords FOR
Repeating single keyword
Repeat Keyword 5 Some Keyword arg1 arg2
2.9.4 Conditional execution
- Do not use if statement in Test Cases
- Run Keyword: can set variable dynamically
If statement:
2Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'good' action
Run Keyword Unless '${status}' == 'good' another action
Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'good' action ELSE another action
2.9.5 Parallel execution of keywords
- Start Process
- Read Process Output
3 Executing test cases
3.1 Basic usage
3.1.1 Starting test execution
3.1.2 Using command line options
- Short and long options
robot --name test.robot
robot -N test.robot
- Setting option values
robot --include tag
robot -i tag
robot --include=tag
robot -itag
- Disabling options accepting no values
robot --dryrun
robot --nodryrun
- Simple patterns
- pattern: *, ?
robot --include f??
- Tag patterns
- AND, &
robot --include xx&yy
robot --include xxANDyy
- OR
robot --include xxORyy
robot --include xxNOTyy
- priority: AND > OR > NOT
- AND, &
- ROBOT_OPTIONS and REBOT_OPTIONS environment variables
- ROBOT_OPTIONS: default option for test execution
- REBOT_OPTIONS: default option for result post-processing
3.1.3 Test results
- Command line output
- Generated output files
- Return codes
- Return code can be access by ‘echo $?’
: can set return code to be 0
- Errors and warnings during execution
3.1.4 Argument files
Extract all options and arguments into an external file
--argumentfile xxxx
--argumentfile STDIN
: we are able to read argumentfile from standard input, so we cangenerate_argument.sh | robot --argumentfile STDIN
3.1.5 Getting help and version information
3.1.6 Creating start-up scripts
Modifying Java startup parameters
3.1.7 Debugging problems
- command line output
- log file
- decrease loglevel, which shows in log.html
--loglevel DEBUG:INFO
add Log, Log Variables in BuiltIn Keyword
- Robot Framework bug: set env ROBOT_INTERNAL_TRACES to anything
- Enable syslog
- Using the Python debugger (pdb): never mind
- Using Pycharm debugger. Edit configuration
- Script Path: /Users/xxx/.pyenv/versions/3.7.2/lib/python3.7/site-packages/robot/run.py
- Parameters: we can also add other parameters here like
- e.g. –loglevel DEBUG /xxx/xxx/xxx.robot
3.2.1 Execution flow
Select test: --test
, --suite
, --include
, --exclude
Suite setup:
- if fail, all testcases, child suites won’t execute and will be marked failed as fail
- Run before all tests and child suites
Suite teardown:
- if fail, all testcase marked failed.
- Run even suite setup fail
Run all keywords in it, even some keywords in it failed
Test setup, Test teardown
- Keyword teardown, No Keyword setup
Execution order:
- by filename
- depth-first
- if specify several tests, executed in the order they are given
- add prefix to specify order
- 01__my_suite.html -> My Suite
- 02__another_suite.html -> Another Suite
- randomize: –randomize
Passing execution:
- Pass Execution/Pass Execution If
- Pass execution of testcases directly
- Better to set testcase non-critical
3.2.2 Continue on failure
- Continue by keywords
Run Keyword And Ignore Error
Run Keyword And Expect Error
- Run Keyword And Continue On Failure
- Special failures
- by creating exception
- Execution continues on teardowns automatically
- Execution continues on all data in templates
3.2.3 Stopping test execution gracefully
- Pressing Ctrl-C
- Using signals: kill INT or kill TERM
- Using keywords: Fatal Error or fatal exceptions
- Stopping when first test case fails or execution error
- –exitonfailure: if any case fail, execution stop
- –exitonerror: if any error, execution stop
- Handling teardowns
- –skipteardownonexit can skip teardown if execution stoped by above
3.3 Task execution
3.4 Post-processing outputs
- Integral part of Robot Framework for handling output files
- command: rebot
3.5 Configuring execution
3.5.1 Selecting files to parse
--extension robot:text
3.5.2 Selecting test cases
Select robot files to run
1 | --test *test |
Re-executing failed test suites
Grab failed test and run them again
robot --rerunfailed output.xml tests
robot --rerunfailedsuites
When no tests match selection
Usually, we are given an error, but we can also run it by
- –RunEmptySuite
- –ProcessEmptySuite
3.5.3 Setting criticality
- All testcase are critical by default
- Failed noncritical test case will not affect overall status
- –critical
- –noncritical
3.5.4 Setting metadata
3.5.5 Configuring where to search libraries and other extensions
- Using –pythonpath option
- Configuring sys.path in program
- Java classpath
3.5.6 Setting variables
3.5.7 Dry run
For validating syntax
3.5.8 Randomizing execution order
--randomize <what>[:<seed>]
3.5.9 Programmatic modification of test data
If the provided built-in features to modify test data before execution are not enough, Robot Framework 2.9 and newer makes it possible to do custom modifications programmatically
- A python class extends SuiteVisitor
--prerebotmodifier xxx.py:arg1:arg2
3.5.10 Controlling console output
- Console output type
- Console width
- Console colors
3.5.11 Setting listeners
For monitoring the test execution
- –listener xxx
- Listener interface
3.6 Created outputs
4 Extending Robot Framework
4.1 Creating test libraries
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Creating test library class or module
Test library names
When libraring a library, if classname == filename:
Library filename
Library filename.classname
Test library scope
- Global and Test are for sharing state between tests
Specifying library version
- or
__version__ = 0.1
- They will be written into the syslog
4.1.3 Creating static keywords
Create keyword in python file !
- ignore methods begin with _
Keyword names
- ignore space, underscore, case insensitive
- custom keyword name by @keyword(‘Login As User’)
Keyword tags
@keyword(tags=['tag1', 'tag2'])
Argument types
- Manually: int(port)
- Decorator
@keyword(types={'count': int, 'case_insensitive': bool})
- Implicit argument type
def example_keyword(count=-1, case_insensitive=True)
If we specify as 2 and 3, argument type will be automatically converted.
Embedding arguments into keyword names
1 | @keyword('Add ${quantity:\d+} copies of ${item} to cart') |
4.1.4 Communicating with Robot Framework
Reporting keyword status
- Only AssertionError, Exception, RuntimeError shows exception messages
- Self created Error should specify
- Stopping/Continue test execution in exception class
Logging information into console
- ERROR and WARN will be written in console
print('*WARN*', ...)
- stderr will be written in console
print('aaa', file=sys.stderr)
sys.__stdout__.write('Got arg %s\n' % arg)
use robot logging API
3from robot.api import logger
logger.console('Got arg %s' % arg)
logger.info('Got arg %s' % arg, also_console=True)use python logging API
import logging
- ERROR and WARN will be written in console
Communication when using threads
- Supposed only main thread talk with robotframework
- BackgroundLogger helps with not-main thread
4.1.5 Distributing test libraries
4.1.6 Dynamic library API
return [name for name in dir(self) if hasattr(getattr(self, name), 'robot_name')]
run_keyword(self, name, args)
4.1.7 Hybrid library API
Getting keyword names
Running keywords
Getting keyword arguments and documentation
4.1.8 Using Robot Framework’s internal modules
Available APIs: https://robot-framework.readthedocs.io/en/v3.1.1/
Using BuiltIn library
4.1.9 Extending existing test libraries
- Modifying original source code: don’t do this
- Using inheritance: cool
- Using other libraries directly
Getting active library instance from Robot Framework
8from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
def title_should_start_with(expected):
seleniumlib = BuiltIn().get_library_instance('SeleniumLibrary')
title = seleniumlib.get_title()
if not title.startswith(expected):
raise AssertionError("Title '%s' did not start with '%s'"
% (title, expected))
- Libraries using dynamic or hybrid API
4.2. Remote library
4.2.1 Introduction
Allows distributed testing: have test library on different machine
4.2.2 Putting Remote library to use
- Importing Remote library
Library Remote 1 minute WITH NAME Example3
- Starting and stopping remote servers
- start: by Process or SSH library
- stop: remote server should supply Stop Remote Server keyword
* ctrl-c on server * kill
4.2.3 Supported argument and return value types
XML-RPC protocol does not support all possible object types
4.2.4 Remote protocol
Executing remote keywords: it is just make a server
- Server side:
RobotRemoteServer(Library(), host=xx, port=xx)
- Client side:
Library Remote 1 minute WITH NAME Example3
- So Robot framework is able to use it directly
4.3.1 Taking listeners into use
robot --listener listener.py:arg1:arg2 tests.robot
4.3.2 Listener interface versions
: only gets information about the execution but cannot directly affect itROBOT_LISTENER_API_VERSION = 3
: gets data and is able to alter execution
4.3.3 Listener interface methods
- During the test execution different listener methods are called when test suites, test cases and keywords start and end
- Listener version 2
- start_suite, end_suite, start_test, end_test, start_keyword, end_keyword, log_message, message, output_file, log_file, report_file, debug_file
- Listener version 3
- library_import, resource_import, variables_import, xunit_file, close
4.3.4 Listeners logging
4.3.5 Listener examples
4.3.6 Test libraries as listeners
It is like combine library with listener
1 | class PythonLibraryAsListenerItself(object): |